Budak Nakal

Quotes of The Day

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Friday 13 January 2012


wah2 .. hmm .. satu menjak dua menjak tiga menjak empat menjak ni kan , CikAin stress laa .. ( mcm org bekerja pulak .. padahal masih sekolah ! ) HAAHA .. abaikan bende tu .. hmm .. stress arr sebab Cikgu suruh buat banyak2 HOMEWORK !! arhhh .. minggu depan nak ujian pulak .. ade masa ke nak siap semue kerje tu ?? hah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rasa nak menjerit je .. kalau menjerit pun , nanti kalo semua org fikir CikAin gilerrr mcm mane ? pastu , tahun  6 UPSR pulakk .. adoii .. hmm .. takpe .. yang GOOD news nya adalah , selepas UPSR , sekolah CikAin akan mengadakan lawatan ke KUCHING !! yeii .. so , kami sekelas pun start nak kumpul duit belanja .. Shopping lorhhh .. PEACE ! umm .. kalau yg tinggal dekat semenanjung tu kan , kalo cuti sekolah , pergilah dekat SARAWAK .. hihi .. umm .. tempat yg CikAin rasa yg pling best kat KUCHING adalah SANTUBONG BEACH AND RESORT & KAMPUNG BUDAYA SARAWAK .. hikhik :D

nak tengok mcm mane GUNUNG SANTUBONG , MEH SINI !!!

"Aii ,, CikAin2 .. kau beralih tajuk ke tempat destinasi pelancongan pulak ye ?" 

eh2 .. tak mo dialog gitu !!  hehe .. CikAin buat cmtu supaya korang tak boring .. HAHA

mane tak boringnya , kalo cikAin crita tentang stress jeeee memanjang ! hmm .. haaa .. nak tau tentang sejarah GUNUNG SANTUBONG ?? jom2


According to the Encyclopaedia of Iban Studies the original inhabitants of Santubong were the IbanSi-antu-ubong means 'spirit boat' in the Iban language. Antu is hantu in Malay which means spirit or ghost. Santubong are boat like coffins made from a single hollow log designed to represent the vesell in which a dead person will travel from this world to afterlife. Following another theory, the name Santubong is derived from "san choo bong" in the Hakka Chinese dialect, meaning "wild pig king" or "king of wild pig".[citation needed]


Excavations of the surrounding area uncovered Hindu and Buddhist relics from the 9th Century CESong and Tang dynasty ceramics are also found, indicating that the area around the mountain was a trading port from the 11th to 13th century.


A legend often associated with the mountain is of two beautiful princesses, Santubong and Sejinjang. Santubong was an expert weaver while Sejinjang was an excellent rice tresher. One day, they had a quarrel and exchanged blows. Sejinjang swung her tresher which hit Santubong's cheek. Santubong threw her weaver at Sejinjang, hitting her in the head. Putting an end to the quarrel, the King of Heaven cursed both of them into mountains. Santubong turned into Mount Santubong while Sejinjang was turned into Mount Sejinjang. It is said that Mount Santubong resembles a woman lying on her back.

[edit]Biological importance

In 1855 a British naturalist, Alfred Russel Wallace[1] who was collecting animals in Santubong, wrote a paper called "Sarawak Law" [2] which can be considered as a precursor to the biological theory of evolution. A year later, Wallace left Sarawak and wrote another article on evolution based on his years of observation in the Far East, that was sent to Charles Darwin and was simultaneously published by the Royal Society. Similar to Galapagos, Mount Santubong should be considered as a scientific world heritage in biological science and should be preserved for the future genarations. Unfortunately, the proposal to established the area as a national park never materialise and human settlements as well as touristic development (hotels, golf course and condominium) are claiming most of the low lying areas. It is suggested the world community to set up a fund to buy back the land and save Mount Santubong that is very important in the development of concepts and theories in biological sciences.


It takes between 3 and 4 hours to reach the summit and slightly less to descend again. Climbers need to take plenty to drink and some food to keep them going. A BBQ has been built at the top but begin your descent by 3pm to get back in the day light and avoid stepping on snakes that cross the path sometimes. A lucky climber may be rewarded with the chance of a rare Hornbill with a cream/yellow beak. These Hornbills are black and white.
Villagers say the well at the top never dries up, however this pond is often sadly full of rubbish today and should not be relied upon as a source for thirsty climbers. In fact Lord Medway reported it to be dry on his overnight expedition to the top in the 60's before the ropes and ladders were installed. Cub scouts and guides once camped at the top too on their expeditions.

errr .. kalau ikut crita orang2 tua , crita nya mcm ni :

Puteri Santubong & Puteri Sejinjang adalah merupakan puteri-puteri Sultan Brunei yang telah melarikan diri bersama 7 orang saudara lelaki mereka kerana ayahanda mereka (Sultan Brunei) telah dibunuh oleh satu komplot sekitar abad ke-18. 

Memandangkan 9 orang putera & puteri ini dalam pelarian ingin menuju ke Tanah Melayu yang memaksa mereka menyeberangi Laut China Selatan, maka saudara-saudara lelaki mereka telah bersepakat untuk meninggalkan 2 orang saudara perempuan mereka, Puteri Santubong & Puteri Sejinjang di satu kawasan yg kini terletak di Kuching.

Kedua-dua puteri tersebut akhirnya mencari tempat perlindungan di sebuah gunung yang kini dikenali sebagai Gunung Santubong. Dan kerana berlaku perbalahan di antara dua beradik tersebut, maka Puteri Sejinjang telah mencari tempat perlindungan lain di sebuah gunung yg bertentangan dengan Gunung Santubong iaitu Gunung Sejinjang.

Bagi orang-orang Dayak di Sarawak yang selalu ke kawasan dua gunung tersebut mula berasa hairan. Mereka berfikir akan dari mana datangnya kedua-dua gadis tersebut yang mereka tidak pernah temui sebelum itu di kawasan tersebut. Mereka menganggap kedua-dua puteri tersebut telah 'Turun Dari Kayangan' (seperti yang terdapat di dalam lirik lagu Puteri Santubong - "anak dak dewa turun kayangan".

Sementara itu, 7 orang bersaudara (putera-putera Sultan Brunei) itu pula dikatakan meneruskan pelayaran mereka sehingga ke Pulau Pinang. Setelah mendarat dan berjalan untuk mencari tempat tinggal, sesampainya di suatu kawasan di Pulau Pinang, burung bayan yang mereka bawa dari Brunei telah terlepas. Maka dari situlah kawasan di mana burung bayan mereka terlepas mula dikenali sebagai Bayan Lepas.

Kini, keturunan dari 7 orang putera Sultan Brunei itu masih menetap di kawasan tersebut dan sebahagiannya telah berhijrah ke negeri-negeri lain di Semenanjung Malaysia ini. Cuma keturunan mereka ini tidak lagi memakai sebarang gelaran atau panggilan di depan nama mereka seperti Pengiran atau Datu. Mungkin 7 orang Putera tersebut tidak mahu lagi mengunakan gelaran tersebut agar kumpulan komplot yang membunuh ayahanda mereka itu tidak akan dapat menjejaki mereka dan keturunan mereka lagi. Namun, keturunan 7 orang putera tersebut kini masih percaya yang mereka sememangnya adalah dari keturunan Sultan Brunei. Cuma apa yang mereka hairan dan musykilkan ialah mengapakah nenek-moyang mereka terpaksa melarikan diri dari Brunei hingga sejauh ke Pulau Pinang?!.

MENARIK TAK ? mestila menarik !! hikhik .. okei .. sekarang ni , CikAin nak melabuhkan tirai untuk entry ni .. PAPAI u ollz ! LOL !

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